Magento 2 Store View Pricing
Community: 2.3, 2.4Enterprise: 2.3, 2.4
This extension helps store owners to set up different prices (cost, regular, special prices, etc.) for the same product per store view.
By default, product prices can be configured to apply at either the global or website level.
If applied to the global level, the same price is used throughout the store hierarchy. If applied to the website level, the same product can be available at different prices from stores that are associated with different websites.
With this extension, product prices can also be configured at the store view level. This means the same product can have different prices per store view.
Key Features
- Can setup product prices (cost, regular, special prices, etc.) at the store view level
- Compatible with Magento 2 Regular, Special & Tier Price Importer extension
Feature Highlights
Set Prices at Store View Level
With this extension, the store admin can set different prices for the product as per store view.
All these price types can have multiple values
- Regular Price
- Special Price (along with the from/to dates)
- Cost
- Tier Price / Group Price (will be supported soon)
- etc.

By default, the scope of product pricing is global.
1. Download the extension .zip file and extract the files.
2. Copy the files from "src/" folder to the "{magento2-root-dir}/app/code/MagePsycho/StorePricing" folder (create non-existing folders).
3. Run the following series of commands from the SSH console of your server:
php bin/magento module:enable MagePsycho_StorePricing --clear-static-content
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
4. Flush the store cache
php bin/magento cache:flush
5. Deploy static content (in Production mode only)
rm -rf pub/static/* var/view_preprocessed/*
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
5. Go to Admin > CATALOG > Store View Pricing > Manage Settings
Live Demo
released on 2022-02-19- added Initial Release
How can I pay for MagePsycho extensions?
If I buy an extension, how would I get it?
After you make a purchase, the order will appear in the "My Orders" section of your personal account page.
As soon as the order status becomes completed the purchased extensions can be downloaded from "My Downloads" section.
How can I get the license key(s) for the purchased extension?
In case if you have't received any license key(s), please Contact Us with the order #.
Are your extensions open source or encrypted?
Do you provide Magento customization service?
Can I get a refund if an extension doesn’t suit me?
After 30 days from the date of purchase, the refund is not applied. You also cannot ask for a refund for the installation service or custom service.
If you are looking for a specific solution for your store, please Contact Us.Can I request a free trial?
But if you buy an extension and it doesn’t suit you in any way, you can request a refund with no risks on your side.
Moreover, most of our extensions have demos, where you can see how our modules work.
What is the license policy? On how many websites can I use MagePsycho extensions?
In the case of additional licenses, we do provide a good discount.